Magical 5G now a reality - IT zone360

Magical 5G now a reality

What is 5G?
5G is the coming fifth-generation wireless broadband technology based on the IEEE 802.11ac standard. An important goal of 5G is to erase the differences between wireline and wireless networking to accommodate the growing mobility of network users

How fast is 5G?
In preliminary demonstrations 5G networks have been show to deliver data in speeds as much as sixty times faster than a 4G wireless connection. According to tests of samsung's 5G router by PC magazine. It could achieve speeds up to 4GBPS or 500 megabytes of downloaded information per second. at 500MBPS, a 100gb 4k movie could be download in under 4 minutes. This is phenomenally faster then 4G LTS. with top out at 55 mbps or 6.5mbps of download in formation. using 4G mobile network that same 100 GB 4K movie would take almost 3 hours to download. these are 5G speeds measured in ideal circumstances. just as your phone's speed depends on this distance you are from a call tower and whether there are obstructions, so will a phone on 5G network. still even if there is a drop 25% of the potential peak, 5G will still be faster then home networks

5G is Different from the Other Gs.

Enabling 5G is more work than jast opening up pore spectrum. for one thing, is not a single technology or wireless frequency. the emering standart-which technologists aren't set to finalize june 2018 will include a mix of  different frequencies, technologies and approaches. and some of them will require radically new ways of building wireless metqorks.

For example, 5G will include parts of the ultrahigh frequency spectrum that until recently most people thought were  unsuitable unsuitable for mobile data connection. The catch is that these frequencies still require a line of sight between the user's  device and the access point. That's going to require a shift from big cell towers that blanket entire neighborhoods in wireless signals to tiny access points  positioned well everywhere
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